Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Voltaire’s Candide Essays

Voltaire’s Candide Essays Voltaire’s Candide Essay Voltaire’s Candide Essay Essay Topic: Candide Voltaire opens chapter three of Candide with our hero amidst a battle between the Aberes and the Bulgarians. The imagery depicted by the author speaks of cannons, gunfire, death of soldiers accompanied by martial drum rolls and trumpets. The two armies are both rejoicing the â€Å"heroic debauchery† and singing a song of thanksgiving. The protagonist finds himself not wanting to do anything with the whole affair and decided to escape while everyone else was preoccupied, so that he could just resolve to try to figure out the â€Å"cause and effects.† After encountering several dead and dismembered bodies he was able to reach a near by Abarian village, and was able to see the carnage left behind by the Bulgarian army. The wittiness of Voltaire appears once more when he says that such massacre is in accordance with international law. As such it criticizes the political justifications of war during his time that warrants the destruction and death of people their community simply because it’s consequential to a legitimized warfare. He hastily tries to leave this bloody scene and moves forward to another village, one which belongs to the Bulgarians. Unfortunately, he sees the same sort of tragedy; now brought about by the Aberians. He flees to Holland, where he initially felt optimistic in learning that the said country was inhabited by wealthy Christians. He was disillusioned the moment started to ask people for charity. The locals denied helping him even threatening to place him in a correctional where he would learn how to earn a living. He then opted to approach a sort of catholic orator who asked him whether or not he believed that the pope was an antichrist. Candide answered honestly that he had no idea who the pope was but nonetheless he only wants a piece of bread. The man curses Candide for this, while the wife who overheard the conversation dumped a pot full of feces over our hero. Candide was able to find momentary relief from his misfortunes when he meets an Anabaptist named James. The latter pitied our protagonist. James takes Candide home, feeds him, allows him to bathe, and gives him a Job. As a result Candide was able to redeem his beliefs of the teachings of his Master Pangloss. Everything works towards the greatest good, this world is the best of all possible worlds and all has sufficient reason for occurring. The era when Voltaire wrote his novella was marked with wars among states, the battles between the Bulgarians and Abares is said to be based on the seven years war occurring at the time he wrote the book.   We are able to see the anti-war sentiment the author had, as well find reason in his criticism against the laws that warrants an event that would result to nothing more but devastation on both sides of the field. We could see the irony of the two kings making their camp sing to the glory of god, and the terming of soldiers as heroes despite the fact that the latter are to certain extent murderers, rapists, and pillagers. It indeed reflects the world then governed supposedly by law and the divine, only to result to injustice and evil. The religion, Catholicism which at that time was becoming more and more powerful did not escape the satire pen of Voltaire. He pointed out the flaws of the said institutions and its believers. We could see the hypocrisy of those who claimed to be followers of the Catholic Church. This brings into question the validity of the said faithful in upholding the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding charity, love, and mercy. Historians may not be too pleased with the factuality of Voltaire’s account of the details regarding War. Voltaire was able to portray in Chapter three his sentiments and criticisms regarding the powers (war and religion) that existed during his time. It is the case that the story reveals the truth of the values upheld at the period the novel was written. References: Voltaire (1984). Candide. (Lowell Bair, Trans.). New York: Bantam Classics.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Verifica el costo de los community colleges por estado

Verifica el costo de los community colleges por estado A la hora de decidir dà ³nde estudiar, una de las ventajas de los Community Colleges es el costo, ya que es ms barato que el de las universidades. Si bien hay grandes diferencias por estados. Los Community Colleges, tambià ©n conocidos como colegios comunitarios, pueden ser privados, pero en su gran mayorà ­a son pà ºblicos y dependen del estado, de una ciudad o, incluso, de un condado. Y son estas instituciones pà ºblicas las que establecen las reglas sobre cunto cuesta la registracià ³n. En casi todos los 50 estados se establecen dos tipos de matrà ­cula: in state, para los residentes out of state, para los no residentes Para calificar como residente cada estado establece sus propias reglas. Por ejemplo, haber cursado la high school en ese estado. De tal manera que un vecino de Nueva Jersey que desea estudiar en Nueva York pagarà ­a como out of state. Tambià ©n son out of state los estudiantes internacionales con visas F-1 y M-1. Sin embargo, los indocumentados deben verificar cules son las reglas del estado en el que residen, ya que pueden calificar como in state. Por lo tanto, si a la hora de iniciar los estudios universitarios el costo es un factor fundamental a tener en cuenta, conviene verificar los precios de las matrà ­culas. Costo de los community colleges en Estados Unidos Alabama in state: $3,900 out of state: $7,622 La excepcià ³n es por un lado el Community College of the Air Force, que tiene un coste cero y por el otro Marion Military Institute, con un costo de $8,928 para los estudiantes residentes en el estado y de $14,928 para el resto. Alaska In state y out of state: $3,000. Alaska no cobra ms a los estudiantes que no son residentes en ese estado. Adems hay que destacar que el nà ºmero de estudiantes es realmente pequeà ±a en cada campus. Arizona In state: a partir de $1,008 por un semestre de 12 crà ©ditos. out of state, a partir de $4.026. En este estado algunos colegios comunitarios, como por ejemplo, el popular Maricopa, es del condado y establece costos diferentes segà ºn se resida en el mismo, en el resto de Arizona o de fuera. Arkansas In state, a partir de los $2,090 (Arkansas Notheastern) out of state a partir de los $3,890 en la misma institucià ³n, pero la mayorà ­a en el rango de los $3,900 a $6,600. California Este es un estado con muchà ­simos colegios comunitarios de entre los que elegir. Residentes, los costos comienzan a partir de los $1,382no residentes a partir de los $6,900.   California es, adems, uno de los estados con polà ­ticas ms amistosas hacia los indocumentados y es sede de la universidad ms popular entre los estudiantes internacionales: Southern California. Carolina del Norte Residentes en el estado, la matrà ­cula comienza a partir de los $2,208No residentes desde los $7,981. Sin embargo hay importantes excepciones, como el prestigioso Carolinas C. Health Science que tiene un costo para todo tipo de estudiantes de $9,271 por semestre para tiempo completo. Carolina del Sur In state tuition comienza en los $2,183 (Pamlico) aunque la mayorà ­a estn en el rango de los $3,500 a $4,900. Para lo residentes hay colegios comunitarios a partir de los $4,185 pero la mayorà ­a a partir de los $5,900 (Florence-Darlington Tech) e incluso varios cargan matrà ­culas por encima de los $10,000 por semestre, como por ejemplo Aiken Technical College, Midlands Tech, Technical Lowcountry o Greenville Technical. Colorado Los estudiantes del estado pagan entre $2,281 (Aims) y $4,500 (Community College of Denver). Los no residentes a partir de los $6,983 encuentran algunas posibilidades (Otero Junior), pero lo cierto es que muchos de ellos estn por encima de los $10,000 por semestre. Por ejemplo: Aims, Arapahoe, Community College of Aurora, Fort Range, Pueblo Community College, etc. Colorado cuenta con un sistema educativo pà ºblico excelente y sus colegios comunitarios son famosos por no pedir una calificacià ³n mà ­nima de TOEFL o por pedirlo bajo: 46 (Lamar), 45 (Pueblo), etc.   Connecticut En este estado hay una gran diferencia entre pagar in state o out of state. Los primeros encuentran colegios comunitarios la mayoria en el rango de los $3,700 a $3,900 por semestre. Por el contrario los no residentes pagan en la mayorà ­a de las instituciones por encima de los $11,000.   Adems, hay importantes excepciones a las dos categorà ­as de estudiantes. Asà ­, Goodwin College cobra $19,400 por semestre para residentes y no residentes y St. Vicent ´s College cobra una matrà ­cula similar. Dakota del Norte Para los residentes se puede encontrar colegios comunitarios a partir de los $2,000 (Turtle Mountain) pero la mayorà ­a estn entre los $3,300 y los $5,210 (United Tribes Tech). Para los no residentes el precio varà ­a desde los $2,050 (Turtle) a los $10,084 (Bismark State), pero la mayorà ­a se encuentra entre los $3,000 y $5,600. Dakota del Sur La mayorà ­a de los colegios comunitarios en este estado cobran por igual a todos los estudiantes sin tener en cuenta su lugar de residencia. Los precios varà ­an desde los $3,790 de Sisseton Wahpeton a los $9,000 de Kilian Comunity College.   Delaware Una buen aparte de los Community Colleges cobra a los estudiantes del estado $3,274 mientras que los de fuera pagan $7,274-$7,804. Hay importantes excepciones, como por ejemplo Delaware Art and Design que tiene una matrà ­cula de $23,390 para todos los alumnos. Adems esa escuela pide un 79 en el TOEFL. Florida La mayorà ­a de los colegios comunitarios cobran entre $2,900 y $3,300 a los estudiantes del estado. Sin embargo, los no residentes pagan cantidades muy superiores, a partir de los $10,791 (Gulf Coast) llegando incluso a estar algunos por encima de los $13,000, como por ejemplo Florida Keys. Georgia En este estado sureà ±o la mayorà ­a de los colegios comunitarios pà ºblicos cobran entre los $3,000 y los $5,400 por semestre a los residentes. Sin embargo, para los no residentes hay grandes variedades en el costo de la matrà ­cula, desde los que cobran aproximadamente $5,500 (Albany Technical, Augusta Tech, Chattahoochee Tec, Georgia Military o Wiregrass Georgia Tech) y los que cobran por encima de los $10,000, como por ejemplo Atlanta Metropolitan, A. Baldwin Agricultural College o Bainbridge. Hawaii En este archipià ©lago, considerado como uno de los mejores estados para vivir, en la mayorà ­a de los colegios comunitarios los residentes del estado pagan un tercio de la matrà ­cula de lo que pagan los de fuera del mismo. Por ejemplo, Hawaii C.C. cobra $3.314 a los primeros y $9,254 a los segundos. Idaho En este estado de gran belleza natural las matrà ­culas para los residentes se mueven en el arco de los $2,200 a los $4,000 por semestre. Por el contrario los no residentes deben esperar pagar entre $8,000 y $9,600.   Illinois En este estado del Medio Oeste americano hay una gran diferencia de costo  entre los residentes ($2,700-$4,350) y los no residentes ($6,250-$14,438). Indiana Este estado tiene un buen nà ºmero de colegios comunitarios que cobran en torno a los $4,000 a los residentes y casi $8,000 para los no residentes. Iowa En este estado hay diferencias entre in state y out of state, pero no son muy grandes. Por ejemplo, Hawkeye cobra $4,530 a los primeros y $5,280 a los segundos. Hay excepciones como por ejemplo Des Moines Area que cobra $4,080 a los primeros y exactamente el doble a los segundos. Kansas Salvo excepciones, los costos en este estado son bajos para residentes y no residentes. Por ejemplo: Barton County cobra $2,820 a los primeros y $3,750 a los segundos. Incluso los hay que cobran igual, como Manhattan Area Tech. Pero tambià ©n es cierto que en algunos la diferencia es grande (pero siguen siendo asequibles). Por ejemplo, Kansas City Community College cobra $2,490 in state y $6,210 out of state. Kentucky En este estado sureà ±o los costos de los no residentes casi cuatriplican a los de los estudiantes in state. Mientras que los segundos pagan aproximadamente $4,320, los primeros tienen una matrà ­cula de $15,120. Louisiana Los no residentes pagan entre el doble y el triple de los residentes. Por ejemplo, Baton Rouge cobra $3,366 in state y $7,422 out of state. En algunos colegios comunitarios como Eunice la diferencia entre ambas matrà ­culas es mayor. Maine En este estado atlntico la mayorà ­a de los colegios comunitarios cuestan en torno a los $3,500 para in state y aproximadamente $6,000 para los no residentes. Sin embargo hay importantes excepciones como por ejemplo Central Maine Medical donde la matrà ­cula para ambos tipos de estudiante es de $9,550. Maryland Mientras que para los residentes las matrà ­culas se encuentran en el rango de los $3,500 a $4,500, los out of the state pagan notablemente ms, habiendo grandes diferencias segà ºn la institucià ³n. Por ejemplo, Allegany cobra $7,438, mientras que Montgomery College $11,724. Massachusetts Para los residentes los precios oscilan desde lo moderado ($4,230 en Bunker Hill, por ejemplo) a caro ($16,950 en Benjamin Franklin Inst Tech).  Para los out of state prcticamente es imposible encontrar matrà ­culas por debajo de los $10,000. En este estado se encuentran dos de las universidades privadas de Estados Unidos: MIT, de gran fama para estudiar ingenierà ­a, y Harvard, una de las Ivy League ms apetecibles para los mejores estudiantes. Michigan Este es un estado con muchos colegios comunitarios. Para los residetnes los precios van desde los $2,700 (Kalamazoo Valley) a los $5,142 (Hennepin). Para los no residentes los precios varà ­an enormemente, desde los $5,700 (Lansing) a varios community colleges por encima de los $10,000, como Bay de Noc, Grand Rapids o Mid Michigan. Minnesota   Este estado tiene una gran variedad de costo, desde los colegios comunitarios con el mismo costo para residentes y no residentes (Alexandria Tech, Anoka, Central Lakes) y en torno a los $5,000 a pequeà ±as diferencias o notables. Ejemplo de esto à ºltimo es Lake Superior, donde los out of state pagan $9,536, casi el doble que los in state. Mississippi En este estado sureà ±o los no residentes pagan casi el doble que los residentes en la mayorà ­a de los colegios comunitarios, pero siguen siendo precios entre los ms bajos. Por ejemplo: East Mississippi: $2,600 para in state y $4,800 para out of state. Este ejemplo se puede considerar estndard del estado. Missouri La mayorà ­a de los residentes pagan entre $2,800 y $5,300 mientras que los out of state entre $3,800 y $6,450. Hay excepciones importantes como Linn State Tech donde se paga respectivamente $5,310 y $10,050. Montana Mientras que la matrà ­cula para los residentes oscila entre los $2,400 y los $3,060, los out of state tienen rangos muy diferentes. Por ejemplo, en Little Big Horn el costo es de $2,860 y en Flahead Valley es de $11,066. Nebraska Para los out of state  los precios son moderados, entre los $3,300 y los $7,900 mientras que para los in state las matrà ­culas oscilan entre los $2,600 y los $4,200. La institucià ³n ms cara es Nebraska College of Agriculture. Nevada En el estado del juego los residentes pagan $2,700 por cursar en un colegio comunitario mientras que los out of state deben desembolsar $9,345. Nueva Jersey En el Estado Jardà ­n los in state pagan entre los $3,700 y los $5,400. Los no residentes deben abonar entre los $4,400 (Camden) y los $14,100 (Cumberland County). Nueva York En la mayorà ­a de los colegios comunitarios los in state pagan en torno a los $4,500 por semestre mientras que los no residentes pagan casi el doble. Esto hay que tenerlo en cuenta, principalmente en la ciudad de Nueva York, ya de por sà ­ una de las ciudadades ms caras del paà ­s. Hay importantes excepciones. Por ejemplo, en Hudson Valley la matrà ­cula para residentes es de $4,542 y para los out of state es de $12,502. Adems, el American Academy of Dramatic Arts cobra $30,650 sin hacer distincià ³n en el lugar de residencia del estudiante. Nuevo Hampshire En este estado los colegios comunitarios no son baratos. Los residentes pagan entre $6,100 y $6,900 y los no residentes entre los $13,800 y los $14,940 (NHTI-Concord). Nuevo Mà ©xico Este es uno de los estados ms baratos para estudiar en un colegio comunitario. Para los residentes en el estado las matrà ­culas son inferiores a los $2,000, incluso a los $1,000 con las excepciones de Navajo Tech ($2,780) y Nuevo Mexico Military Inst ($6,741). Para los no residentes los precios son tambià ©n asequibles, en el abanico de los $2,000 a $$4,800, con las excepcià ³n de Centran New Mexico ($6,680) y New Mexico Military ($11,260). Ohio En Ohio hay grandes diferencias de costos segà ºn la institucià ³n. Para los in state van desde los $2,977 de Lorain County a los $10,456 de Chatfield College. Para los out of state los costos van desde los $4,390 de Eastern Gateway a los $14,735 de Cleveland State. Oklahoma En este estado los in state pagan entre los $2,800 y los $3,600. Los out of state tienen un rango que va desde los $5,500 a los $9,300. La excepcià ³n es el colegio Muscogee Nation donde ambos pagan $6,593. Oregà ³n En este estado del Pacà ­fico los in state abonan precios entre los $3,600 y los $5,500 mientras que la variacià ³n para los out of state es mucho mayor, desde los $4,400 de Tillamook Bay a los $15,975 de Clatsop. Pennsylvania Este estado, de grandes dimensiones, brinda oportunidades muy distintas en cuanto a precio, tanto para residentes como out of state. Para los primeros es posible enconrar a partir de los $2,250 (Wilson), pero tambià ©n los hay caros como Bidwell Training ($14,000) o Rosedale Tech ($13,810). Para los no residentes los precios comienzan a partir de los $8,000. Rhode Island En este pequeà ±o estado el Community College de Rhode Island brinda una matrà ­cula de $3,950 a los residentes del estado y de $10,582 a los de fuera. Tennessee Este es otro de los estados con grandes diferencias entre in state y out of state. Par los primeros la matrà ­cula est aproximadamente en los $3,800 meintras que los out of state alcanzan los $14,600.   Hay poca variedad de precios. Sin embargo una de las ventajas de estudiar en este estado es que cuenta con la ciudad ms barata de Estados Unidos. Texas Este estado se encuentra entre los que brindan matrà ­culas ms baratas. Los in state entre los $1,700 y $2,500.   Incluso para los out of state los costos son moderados, generalmente por debajo de los $4,500, si bien con excepciones notables como Austin C.C ($10,860) o Central Texas ($6,270). Utah El LDS Business College brinda para todos la misma matrà ­cula de aproximadamente $3,000 pro semestre. Por el contrario Salt Lake CC y Snow College hacen una gran diferencia entre in state (menos de $3,500) y out of state (ms de $10,000). Vermont El Community College of Vermont tiene una matrà ­cula de $7,090 para in state y de $14,050 para el resto de los estudiantes. Virginia Este estado tiene una oferta grande de colegios comunitarios. Mientras que los residentes pagan aproximadamente $4,000 los out of state pagan en torno a los $9,000-$10,000 o ms. Virginia Occidental Un buen ejemplo es el Northern Community College, donde 12 crà ©ditos cuestan $1,500 para los residentes y $4,800 para los estudiantes out of state. Washington Los in state tienen matrà ­culas en torno a los $4,000. Sin embargo hay grandes diferencias entre colegios comunitarios para los no residentes con matrà ­culas que van desde los $4,500 (Wenatchee Valley) a los $9,800 (Bates Technical). Wisconsin Este es otro estado con una gran oferta en colegios comunitarios. Los residentes pagan matrà ­culas entre los $3,900 y los $5,900 mientras que los no residentes pagan entre $5,700 (Lakeshore) y los $12,000, en los campus de Fond du Luc, Fox Valley, Marathon, Richland y Sheboyan de la Universidad de Wisconsin. Wyoming En este estado las variaciones son pocas. Los in state pagan entre $2,500 y $2,800 y los no residentes entre $6,200 y $6,600. Formas de pagar por los estudios universitarios Estudiar en Estados Unidos puede salir muy caro. Hay que tener reservas no sà ³lo para la matrà ­cula sino tambià ©n para el alojamiento, libros, seguros mà ©dicos, etc. Adems del dinero que pueda tener ahorrado cada familia o estudiante se pueden solicitar becas y/o crà ©ditos. Las reglas son distintas segà ºn se trate de estudiantes internacionales, ciudadanos, residentes o indocumentados. Por ejemplo, estadounidenses y titulares de la green card pueden acceder a ayuda financiera a travà ©s de FAFSA. Los estudiantes internacionales tienen becas abiertas a todo tipo de estudiantes, incluso en universidades de à ©lite y tambià ©n tienen un sistema de crà ©ditos pensados para ellos. En cuanto a los indocumentados, tienen becas para ellos, otras abiertas para todos, sin que importe su estatus migratorio. Y todo tipo de estudiantes debe consultar e informarse sobre las ayudas financieras que ofrecen sus respectivas universidades, incluidas las mejores del paà ­s. Dedicir quà © estudiar y dà ³nde es un proceso largo y complejo donde sin duda el costo es un factor fundamental a tener en cuenta.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critical nursing situations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical nursing situations - Research Paper Example The study had several limitations regarding the sample population, tools, availability of data, and the role of nurses in pain identification and assessment. First, the study reviewed medical documents from two medical centers with specified care in Quebec City. The study also considered only 52 patients and 183 pain cases. The statistics indicate that the study had a narrow coverage that did not offer an ultimate sample population. Second, the research used reviewed secondary data from the two clinics. It is possible that this clinic lacked proper documentation procedures. Thus, the availed documents had irregularities that result to wrong interpretation of the results. Third, the use of secondary data is an indication that the medical field lacks appropriate tools for conducting pain assessment for patients in this category of care. Thus, inadequacy or lack of the tools might have resulted in wrong data and misinterpretations. Finally, the research focused on non-pharmacological pr ocedures in clinics that used pharmacological procedures. The differences were sources of faults and wrong data. It also failed to incorporate the nursing roles and ideas of assessing pain. Overall, the reliance on medical documentation to identify the best practices for pain assessment created room for wrong entries and findings. The highlighted are the main limitations of this study. In the absence of non-pharmacological equipment for assessing pain in the critical care units, the sector should empower nurses by conducting preemptive education plans.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Freud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Freud - Essay Example cre ability to hypnotize, necessarily took on a more imaginative turn that revolutionized the way people approached the treatment of the mind (Robbins, 1999). Although others had been doing work to understand the inner workings of the mind before him and others have come after him to refine and build on his theories, as well as add theories of their own, Freud is generally credited with the first break-through in treating the mind as an entity separate from the body. His identification of different levels of thought and how these levels interact and intertwine led to his development of psychotherapy. Within this theory, Freud outlines three major components of an individual’s psyche – the id, the ego and the superego. This intuitive leap, however, did not occur by accident. To understand Freud’s theories, his concept of the human mind and how that translates into his theories regarding human culture, then, it is necessary to understand a little bit about how thes e ideas were developed as well as how Freud himself expressed them. With his origins in the medical field, it should not be surprising to learn that Freud’s psychoanalytic theory had its earliest basis in the fields of 19th century biology and physics. One of the theories that held particular importance to Freud’s theories was that of Hermann von Helmholtz. According to Helmholtz’s dynamic theory of energy, â€Å"energy cannot be destroyed but can only be transformed into other states. Drawing upon this notion of undestroyable energy, Freud formulated a dynamic psychology, one of whose key points is that whenever a psychic drive or urge is suppressed, repressed or driven below (or out of) consciousness, its energy inevitably appears elsewhere† (Landow, 1988). This idea is supported in Freud’s Civilization and its Discontents ( ) as he discusses the aggressive energy associated with the super-ego. â€Å"According to one view, that energy merely carries on the punitive energy of the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Battle of Britain Essay Example for Free

The Battle of Britain Essay ‘Never the Master, Always the Servant. ’ How Accurate is this Statement in Regard to Wolsey’s Conduct of Foreign Policy 1513-29? â€Å"Had I but served God as diligently as I have served the King, he would not have given me over in my grey hairs. † Cardinal Wolsey c. 1472-1530 Here Wolsey himself professed his obedience to Henry VIII, but historians of the previous century and a half claimed that between 1513 and 1529 foreign policy was governed entirely by Wolsey, some suggesting that Henry gave only perfunctory approval to his decrees. Modern historians dispute this, the king’s aspirations and decisions being of fundamental importance. The matter remains unsettled however, regarding the extent of Wolsey’s influence and manipulation. Contemporaries argued that Wolsey was effectual ruler, â€Å"Alter Rex† during particularly the mid 1520s, his palatial home eclipsing Henry’s in political importance. Wolsey was clearly very cunning; he won Henry’s favour by shrewdly encouraging him to enjoy leisure activities and leave the mundane politicking to him – exploiting the mistakes of his predecessors. Cavendish declares, â€Å"Thus the almoner ruled all those that ruled before him†. However, Wolseys desperation to gain Henry’s esteem is evidence merely of the need for Henry’s approval – as Wolsey clearly appreciated. Henry intervened less in politics before 1529 than he did afterwards, but as Peter Gwyn recognises; this was only due to his sincere satisfaction and comprehension of Wolseys loyalty. From 1512 Wolsey climbed the political ladder very swiftly; utilising the opportunity of the French invasion to exceed Henry’s expectations and impress the king with prizes in Tournai and Therouanne. By mid 1514 Wolsey was receiving all the king’s important business affairs, and exploiting Henry’s need for an authoritative chief servant fully Wolsey admittedly used his persuasion to gain himself numerous offices – Dean of Lincoln, Bishop of Tournai, Bishop of Lincoln and Archbishop of York. Although Warham still held the most senior church office, as Archbishop of Canterbury, Wolsey had won himself Lord Chancellorship by 1518, making him head of the legal system. However Wolseys ascendancy was resultant from Henry’s appreciation of his talents, by the time of the treaty of St. Germaine-en-Laye with France in 1514 Randell recognises Henry’s apparent disinterest with routine diplomacy, â€Å"He was still keen to win glory, but was content for someone else to arrange it for him. † His connections with the Papal authorities brought about suspicion that he had tied England to Roman foreign policy, such as Pollard’s insinuation that Wolsey considered his duty to his spiritual master over that over the king – In 1518 he was appointed ‘Legatus a latere’, a position he was guaranteed for life in 1524. Scarisbrick however discredits Papal loyalty, acknowledging Wolseys disregard for Papal instruction as frequently as it was adhered to. Although England and the papacy had common interests, it was merely coincidental for the Pope’s wishes to be followed, and the king himself had the same attitude to Wolsey towards the pope. Henry wanted to become ‘Defender of the Faith’ and did so, in 1521, and there is more proof that it was he who encouraged Wolsey to pursue the office of Pope than vice versa. As Palmer asserts, â€Å"Wolsey was no more or less a servant of the Papacy than Henry himself. † Wosley required the position of ‘Prince of the Church’ (gained 1515) because he had not won such approval from the Papcy as he had from his royal master. He did not wish to rival Henry’s authority by becoming ‘Prince of the State’ because he was assured of Henry’s support. Although Wolsey bragged of being â€Å"author of the peace† at the Treaty of London in 1518, and despite evidence for him formulating his own policies by 1517; as Gwyn defends – he was winning glory for his master. Scarisbrick recognises Wolseys desire to become arbiter of Europe, but his dependence upon Henry is undeniable. As Randell recognises, Wolsey often hid things from Henry and considered ways in which he could put things to him in order to provoke a desired response, to push contenders away and get away with more than he officially should. Vergil even suggested that Wolsey bribed Henry with gifts to distract him whilst he was making demands and to gain further favour. All these efforts, however, merely emphasize Wolseys dependence upon the king and his desperation to maintain his support. Randell suggests that Wolsey made independent decisions – often trivial but sometimes-major ones, but Henry could and sometimes did intervene. Wolsey always needed to appear to be implementing Henry’s decisions even if it was not always strictly the case. Skelton and Palsgrave, authors of articles in the House of Lords December 1929 attacked Wolseys arrogance and misrule during parliament and regarding matters of foreign policy, alleging he bestowed himself excess authority and wrongfully excluded other councillors from attending court, but evidence suggests that they were pursuing a ruthless campaign to get him dismissed. Although, as Guy points out, up until 1927 â€Å"more than the details were left to Wolsey† Henry was nevertheless broadly responsible throughout all matters of foreign policy. Wolsey may have organised much of the minor details, such as the essential transport arrangements and food supplies during invasions, but it was under Henry’s direction and command. The king would instruct Wolsey and provide details of the task, which Wolsey undeniably fulfilled exceptionally and often made fitting amendments to Henry’s broader schemes. Henry’s certain dominance was clear throughout a number of issues. In 1518 Henry backed the Holy Roman Emperor despite Wolseys disproval and efforts to persuade him oppositely. Scarisbrick identifies disparagement between Henry and Wolsey throughout the events of 1520 and 1521; the Field of the Cloth of Gold in 1520 was extremely expensive and Wolsey discouraged Henry from spending such vast amounts of money on what he anticipated to be a political fiasco, yet the event went ahead with no expenses spared – regardless of Wolseys advice. In 1521 Wolsey wanted peace in contrast to Henry’s desire for warfare, but Wolsey was made to journey around Europe; negotiating with Charles in Bruges that England and Spain should ally against France, and then returning to Calais. His consolation being that war would be delayed until 1522 – but Henry’s leadership is clear, the attack was still launched and Wolsey left disregarded once more. As Gwyn appreciates, Wolsey realised the importance of bringing honour to his master through dominating affairs – which his desired neutrality would not bring. Wolsey deceived France against his own wishes to preserve Henry’s major international role. In 1525 the Battle of Pavia saw the capture of King Francis and the strengthening of Henrys desire to become Imperial Ruler. Wolsey was then unable to act as an Imperial Arbitrator, Henry VIII wanted an Imperial Alliance and Wolsey was forced to attempt the Amicable Grant for Henry to invade France, but this was impossible and in August the Treaty of the More was signed after the French war. The reversal was extremely embarrassing for Wolsey, who went through humiliation and dispute to please Henry VIII, eventually gaining an annual pension of 100000 gold crowns. Historian Dana Scott Campbell understands Wolsey as being motivated to tread the path necessary to ensure personal advancement and power in England. By satisfying Henry VIII with international glory and prestige his support was ensured; although his power was enhanced by the Papal authorities, Roman influence was limited – his self interest, over all else, forced him to please Henry primarily and the Pope if possible. He acted with more alacrity for Henry, and with more determination, joining the Anti-Imperial League of Cognac in 1526 and declaring war two years later. The Treaty of Cambrai in 1529 was a desperate attempt by Wolsey to retain Henry’s partiality, and was signed by the leaders of England, France and the Holy Roman Empire. Wolsey underwent mortification and infringement of his own desires in order to please his King, both in the matters which he may have seem to control and in those which were quite obviously of Henry’s design. Whether due to arrogance and untamed ambition or merely a desire to satisfy the King – Wolsey routinely aimed to please him in all aspects of foreign policy. Grossel appreciates Wolseys desire to serve the king; convictions in Wolseys vanity are now outdated as Wolsey clearly wanted to maintain the honour and influence of his own position through that of his king. Henry’s absolute dominance is evidenced by the impossibility of Wolsey sustaining esteem as European Arbitrator because of Henry’s belligerence (as well as the treachery of the European Kings). His independent decisions occurred only when permitted, or occasionally unknown, by Henry. Wolseys position was secured for the most part because of Henry’s satisfaction with his conduct – had it not been so (as in later years) Wolsey would have been rapidly dismissed. However, Randell recognises that the evidence for both supporting and admonishing Wolseys loyalty is in the form of letters written only to deceive the recipients, disparate word of mouth and untrustworthy third parties – all of it unreliable.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Language :: essays research papers

Language is an abstract concept which is acquired early in life by the vast majority of children through an intricate process. There are many different theories concerning the acquisition of language that have been considered, and these are constantly being refined, along with the technology which enables researchers to further investigate the process. Bilingualism has also been a complex area of interest which has elicited various theoretical viewpoints. There are various aspects which are true to every language. These include: phonology, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. The phonology of a language includes a set of phonemes: the different sounds, and the rules governing the combination of these sounds which can be found within the language. The semantics involved in a language deals with the meanings of the sentences, words, and grammatical markers (morphemes) in the language. The syntax concerns the rules about organizing the morphemes into sentences, and pragmatics are the communication skills involved in the use of the language (Shaffer, 1999, p.352-353). These are merely the basics required for language acquisition. Knowledge of the nature of communication, in addition to the fashion in which the language is acquired are also integral. The acquisition of a language has instigated a controversy regarding the process through which it is acquired. The empiricist perspective, inspired by B. F. Skinner in 1957, states that children learn language by imitating caregivers who model and reinforce their speech (Shaffer, 1999, p.355). Also during the 1950's, Noam Chomsky hypothesized that languages are too complex to be learned by imitation (Shaffer, 1999, p.356 & Brownlee, 1998, p.48). Therefore, humans are born with a "language acquisition device" (Shaffer, 1999, p.356 & Brownlee, 1998, p.53) and a "universal grammar" (Brownlee, 1998, p.48) which predisposes them to the ability to learn languages and apply the grammatical rules to the languages which they hear. The large interest in the area of language has been elicited as a result of the intricacy of the acquisition process of a language, and the fact that all children appear to have the ability to acquire and understand such an abstract concept. The study of language, as the study of any subject, is an ongoing process, as illustrated by various researchers over the years. These studies have evolved form mere theoretical statements about language to involved studies which have caused the previous hypotheses to be rejected. This is largely due to the evolution of related technology which has facilitated research in the area.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Relationship Between Human Health and the Built Environment

Undertaking 1Built environment is straight associated with wellness of people populating, working and playing in them and has different impact on different age groups, therefore plays critical portion in human wellness. Increasing cost of wellness, instances of diabetes, fleshiness and other diseases, deficiency of exercising due to transport vehicles domination, easy fast nutrient and limited societal assemblages due to technological promotions adds to wellness jobs in Australia. New South Wales ( NSW ) section of wellness has proposed a wellness built environment plan ( HBEP ) , which focuses on redesigning and developing built environment to better overall wellness utilizing best in category patterns and policies. Evidence gathered by NSW section of wellness identified deficiency of physical activity, low quality nutrient and improper communicating between communities as the taking grounds behind wellness jobs. Paper focuses on how can these hazards be lowered by modifying the bui lt environment. HBEP plan focal points on how reinforced environment can be improved to better wellness. Discussion on benefits of increased physical activity on wellness were made along with the grounds on how reinforced environment alteration can actuate people to increase physical activity. Evidence has been provided on how political, economic, societal and policies related to construct environment can act upon physical activity positively. Critical analysis on how high residential denseness country in reinforced environment of society, distance to street markets, maintained pathwaies, along with little design elements alteration can increase degree of physical activity. A developing form in the constellation, urban arrangement, and renewing careers is one that explores how build environment helps the wellbeing issues of Australia. This position is focused around the idea that deficient eating methodological analysis and stationary life builds the danger for some unwellnesss, for illustration, cardiovascular illness, high blood pressure, colon malignance, kind 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, stalwartness, jitteriness and depression. An agreement now exists among wellbeing research workers, curative professionals and different experts that a dynamic life style lessens the danger for some ceaseless infections and/or encourages the effectual disposal of those illnesss. Inside this scene, the dynamic life development emerged a twosome of old ages prior to strike the stationary society issue. It focused on the betterment of a life style that incorporates physical action into twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours agendas, with the aim of aggregating negligibly 30 proceedingss of motion every twenty-four hours by sauntering, bicycling, working out, working in the pace, taking the steps, or take parting in some other sort of physical action. Further perceptual experience of people towards physical activity in reinforced environment was discussed and how this can be molded in support of physical activity utilizing built environment redevelopment policies was analyzed. HBEP plan besides considers built environment alteration for school and college substructures besides in order to do the new coevals accustomed with the importance of wellness every bit early as school. Overall research on societal ecological theoretical account is done sing the impact of policies related to society, political relations, built environment and economical on physical activity. Further a elaborate research on the impact of built environment on community strengthening was conducted and failings were found related to hapless self residential determination devising and carelessness of wellness variables in built environment which were so included in HBEP policy plan. Gap analysis between built environment impact on societal connexion amongst peopl e and community authorization was analyzed. HBEP policy considers bridging this spread through improved communicating between built environment section and wellness section of Australia. Paper besides reviews literatures the impact of advertisement of fast nutrients on their ingestion and how it leads to increases instances of diseases. It was found that there is no proper consideration of relationship between advertisement of bad nutrient and jobs originating due to ingestion of that nutrient. Evidence were found by NSW section of wellness that built environment of schools besides had no proviso of commanding advertisement of fast nutrients around school campuses. It was found that reinforced environment policy did non had any methodological analysis to see the impact of hapless nutrient handiness on the wellness. HBEP proposes a qualitative and quantitative survey to understand the relationship with nutrient in reinforced environment of schools and even residences and advance good nutrient within the environment. Exploration is needed on all parts of the based environment ‘s consequence on sound nourishment debut in Australia. While assorted immense graduated table surveies have been attempted appraising handiness of less than great nutriment, their consequences need to be farther investigated through complex quantitative and qualitative analysis. Advancement of an mixture of socially huffy geographic expedition embraced in diverse urban metropoliss and towns will allow more reliable generalisations to underpin attack. Further paper proposes that making a healthy built environment must be taken attention of critically through better communicating and apprehension, choice leading and relationship edifice. This paper unites a proof base of bing scrutiny to rede solid nature ‘s sod attacks and motions. It similarly helps to the identii ¬?cation of parts of geographic expedition in which reinforced environment policy deficiencies. The Survey ‘s cardinal message is that there is a solid relationship between persons ‘ well-being and built environment and this relationship is really complex. This paper talks about the undertakings, which need to considered in reinforced environment policy of Australia so that healthy environments can be built and jobs can be lowered.Social interaction are determiners of good wellnessThis statement was mentioned on page 75 of paper and was raised in order to better the societal interactions amongst community people so that reinforced environment can be socially healthy. I wholly agree with this statement in the context of the paper and otherwise. Social interactions improves information flow between people, which can be good for the socie ty as affairs like hapless nutrient around the built environment, cleanliness of workplace, residential society and other topographic points which can impact wellness. It will besides farther better the overall quality of physical and societal environment in communities therefore beef uping the good wellness. Majority of people who will profit from societal interaction are old age people who non so frequently acquire opportunities to socialise. Harmonizing to a study done by University of Rochester medical centre, people who frequently socialize more than other does, populate more and happy ( University of Rochester, 2014 ) . Apart from that, there are many wellness advantages of societal interaction, which are discussed below to farther back up the statement: –Frequently people who socially interact have low blood force per unit area degrees than people who do non interact frequently.Low hazard of Alzheimer’sCan assist one overcome solitariness and depression.Less or no hazard of malignant neoplastic disease and cardiovascular related jobs.Everybody needs to experience idolized and upheld peculiarly as we develop more seasoned. As we age, comrades truly might be line of lifes. Social interaction, offering, being in contact with other people who have dynamic, included lives gives populating a ground. Offer to comrades Plutos duplicate the delectations and separation the hurts. Vast, augmented households that were on a regular basis accessible for endorsing are presently less. The sum of one-person household units has expanded. Persons on a regular basis move a long manner from their households to work or vacate. In any instance remaining associated with household, comrades and exercisings has ne'er been more critical. A few surveies report fewer colds, lower circulatory strain and lower bosom rates in members with solid societal ties. Detail indicates that matrimony, possibly the strongest tie, adds old ages to future. Furthermore, self-destructi on, emotional instability and spirits maltreatment rates are much lower when persons interact socially on a higher degree ( Gold, 1999 ) . Another survey from the US recommends that societal coaction ought to be viewed as an indispensable component for turning lifetime, on a criterion with other wellbeing and lifestyle constituents, to the grade that low societal connexion hurts life span to the extent that liquor dependence and smoke, has more consequence than absence of activity, and is twice every bit destructive as fleshiness ( Louv, 2012 ) . Analysts at Brigham Young University ( BYU ) in Provo, Utah, directed a meta-examination of distributed surveies and found that holding societal ties with comrades, household, neighbours and associates can heighten our opportunities of endurance by 50 for every penny. You can read about their survey online in a paper distributed in the July issue of PLOS Medicine. Mentions: –Louv R. , 2012, Health benefits to kids from contact with the out-of-doorss and nature, [ Online ] , Available from: – hypertext transfer protocol: //www.childrenandnature.org/downloads/CNNHealthBenefits2012.pdf [ Accessed on 13th June, 2014 ]University of Rochester, 2014, Older grownups and importance of societal interaction, [ Online ] , Available from: – hypertext transfer protocol: //www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx? ContentTypeID=1 & A ; ContentID=4513 [ Accessed on 13ThursdayJune, 2014 ]Gold E. , 1999, Benefits of societal interaction, [ Online ] , Available from: – hypertext transfer protocol: //www.valueoptions.com/april06_newsletter/benefits_of_social_interactions.htm [ Accessed on 13th June,2014 ]

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Amber Inn & Suites, Inc

Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. is a 250 property hotel chain with locations in 10 western and Rocky Mountain States. As a special assistant to the corporation the goal is to prepare a comprehensive analysis with the possibility of establishing a solid base for future growth. (Kerin and Peterson, 2010). This case study will provide a summary and analysis of Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. options and an examination into the company’s strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. Problem Modification Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. problems to be addressed are how to emphasize on the corporate travelers and vacationing family stays. The American Hotel and Lodging Association have reported one half of all guests are business travelers and the other half are for leisure or family vacations. In comparison, Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. basically offers the same amenities as other hotel chains in the midscale to economy range. (Kerin and Peterson, 2010). However, they are not able to compete with higher level hotel chains due to limited-services which inhibit their growth potential. Case Analysis Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. has projected growth in the annual lodging revenue of 7.4% for the current fiscal year. However, it is still slightly below the overall hotel industry average of 7.6%, but higher than the average limited-service growth rate of 5.8%. However, Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. is also projected to reflect its’ third year net loss while the hotel industry as a whole and the limited-service operations reported profitable operations over the past three years following improved economic conditions. (Kerin and Peterson, 2010). During the past fiscal year, Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. has closed two underperforming Amber Inn locations and opened one Amber Inn & Suites property. In the past few years, Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. has closed 12 underperforming Amber Inn properties, and opened two Amber Inn properties and three Amber Inn & Suites properties. Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. is projected to reflect lower revenue in the current fiscal year due to â€Å"Free-Night Stay† promotions. The loss of revenue for each location utilizing this promotion will have an effect on overall performance of the chain. The Direct Cost per room is projected to be $28.75 which has remained steady for the past three years. However, variable costs directly associated with the operation of the hotel properties, such as direct labor, utilities, and hotel/room supplies (including breakfast food and beverage service) are subject to change. (Kerin and Peterson, 2010). Corporate expenses are subject to the going market rates for Sales, general, and administrative. These costs can include: 1. IT Services 2. Legal 3. Finance expenses (interest rates) 4. Accounting (especially if utilizing outside sources such as an accountant) 5. Human resources (outside sources are more costly) 6. Sales (outside sources are more costly) 7. Marketing (outside sources are more costly) Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. hired two additional National Sales Representatives this past year for a total of 10 representatives. Marketing cost rose due to added marketing and media advertising. A large scale study was performed to identify Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. guests. Both of these additions increased the expenditures for the current fiscal year with results and benefits to be determined in the future. Identifying the Root Problem Components Executives have expressed concern over the occupancy level at each of the locations. Asking questions as follows: 1. Are we utilizing the very best promotions or are there better promotions we can offer 2. Are we asking questions about what consumers want 3. What determines which hotel they choose to stay at 4. Why are we comparing Amber Inn as an economy hotel when we offer better services 5. Are we meeting our guests expectations 6. Are we providing the best services available 7. Are our rooms up to the companies standards at all locations These are all questions we should be asking ourselves and finding answers. We can improve our performance as a leader in hotel management for all locations and we will meet guest’s expectations. Evaluation of Alternatives As a Special Assistant for Amber Inn & Suites, Inc., recommendations would include widen the target market to include more amenities for business travelers and the leisure/family vacations. There is no reason to trade off the leisure/family vacation business vs. business travelers. You can look at ways of establishing sections in the hotel to accommodate both. Such as north, south, east, and west wings to separate the families from the business guests. A business guest may not want a room full of children above, under, next door, or across the hall from them. The noise level is a problem for a business traveler preparing for meetings. This causes complaints. Simple solutions separate them at check-in. Identify who your guests are and what their needs are going to be while visiting your location. Advertising this consideration will be a big plus for any business traveler or singles who do not want to listen to a crying baby. Displaying emphasis on what a guests needs are will separate you and establish the brand. Brand awareness is a major emphasis in the upcoming year. A meeting needs to be arranged with the CEO, Joseph James, and all other executives to present a plan of action. If you do not make brand awareness your mission how does Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. plan to take control of their destiny? All executives need to have the same goals to make Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. the best it can be. Special attention should be given to a set growth plan for advertising and promotions. Since the ‘Free-Night† is costing Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. money come up with a better incentive to entice guests to stay at your chain instead of any other. Promote Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. is such a way your guests seek you out. My recommendation is to identify your target market of past business travelers and leisure/vacation guests send emails offering special rates/discounts for multiple night stays. Let them know about the new way of assigning rooms based on needs of the guests. Add this information to Amber Inn & Suites, Inc. website for future potential guests. Making this change to website information will become word of mouth advertising. This is the best advertisement you can have and it is free! Growth potential in all areas outlined creates the opportunities to be more successful! Recommendations The following are recommendations: 1. Place more emphasis on the leisure/vacation travelers and business travelers 2. Set up sections of the hotel for lodging based on guests needs separating business travelers and single/older guest needing quieter environments vs. family guests with children 3. Establish the rooming needs for guests during the reservation or check-in process 4. Establish Express check-out service onsite 5. Establish/emphasize brand awareness through emails (former guest) and website information 6. Set up check-in/check-out service via website guests will just need to stop briefly at the counter to receive/drop off rooms keys 7. Broaden advertisement/promotions offering discounts/special rates for returning guests 8. Improve efficiencies at locations guest needs being primary focus Conclusion The emphasis in the upcoming year will be meeting guest needs in all areas. With special focus on establishing a new way to assigning rooms for guests, listening to guests about what they want and need, and lowering or eliminating guest complaints. Setting our Amber Inn brand apart from other hotels in the industry, creating the perfect environment for all guests, and raising our expectations compared to economy level hotels. Promote the Amber Suites brand to be very comparable to any other hotel chain in the midscale range even though we do not offer onsite restaurants and conference facilities. Eliminate the â€Å"Free-Night† promotion and design a new promotion to create customer loyalty and establish brand choice. All of these upgrade changes can be accomplished with our guests in mind. Now let’s work together to rebuild a new future!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Conjugate Remercier (to Thank)

How to Conjugate Remercier (to Thank) The French verb remercier means to thank. You may see that merci is in the center of the word: Merci, of course, is how you say thanks in French.   How to Conjugate the French Verb Remercier Remercier follows the conjugation pattern of regular -er verbs. As you do when conjugating regular verbs, you drop the infinitive ending from the verb to find the stem (remerci-) and add the ending appropriate of the subject pronoun and tense. The charts below will help you conjugate remercier. Present Future Imperfect Present participle je remercie remercierai remerciais remerciant tu remercies remercieras remerciais il remercie remerciera remerciait nous remercions remercierons remerciions vous remerciez remerciez remerciiez ils remercient remercieront remerciaient Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive je remercie remercierais remerciai remerciasse tu remercies remercierais remercias remerciasses il remercie remercierait remercia remercit nous remerciions remercierions remercimes remerciassions vous remerciiez remercieriez remercites remerciassiez ils remercient remercieraient remercirent remerciassent Imperative (tu) remercie (nous) remercions (vous) remerciez How to Use Remercier in the Past Tense The passà © simple is a literary tense, meaning its not used in conversation. To render a verb in the past tense, youll most commonly use the compound passà © composà ©. The passà © composà © requires an  auxiliary verb  and a  past participle: The auxiliary verb for remercier is  avoir  and the past participle is remercià ©.   For example: Elle lui a remercià © pour le livre.  She thanked him for the book.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

List of Persuasive Techniques to Win Any Debate

List of Persuasive Techniques to Win Any Debate Its happened to everyone. You got into a heated discussion with someone over a serious topic but left feeling like you had lost the argument. Even if you have sound ideas in your head, getting them across effectively takes skill and practice. Here are nine tips on persuading your opponent and winning that next debate. Be Informed It may seem obvious, but if you dont know a lot about the matter being discussed, youre not likely to make a strong case for your opinion. Its not enough to say, Movie X is ridiculous, or Book Y is stupid. If you cant offer facts to back up your statements, you will come across as nothing more than a bag of hot air. Be Confident Even if you have statistics and other hard facts to back up your opinion, they wont make an impression if you deliver them weakly. The moment you appear to be unsure of yourself, your opponent will move in for the kill, and once you lose your footing, you may not be able to recover from the blow. Even if youre arguing something thats blatantly wrong, delivering your message confidently may be enough to win at least some spectators over to your side. Be Open-Minded As the long-running TV show Criminal Minds asserts, To catch a killer, you have to think like one. Likewise, to argue effectively, you need to understand how your opponent thinks and why he or she believes strongly in their viewpoint. Understanding your opponents angle will help you be more respectful, and paradoxically, this will help you make more intelligent statements. If you think your opponent is being stupid or silly, youre less likely to get to the crux of the issue and win the argument. Be Logical If you havent yet taken a logic class, be sure to register for one during your college career. Youll learn invaluable skills that will serve you in your career and your personal life. In general, be sure not to contradict yourself. Refer back to your earlier statements, and be ready to point out fallacies in your opponents logic. Be Attentive A good argument is about what you say and what you hear. If youre not paying attention to what your opponent says, you may not come up with effective counterarguments. You could also miss key opportunities to break down your opponents case. While its tempting to think about what youre going to say next, remember that theres no timer in a real-life debate. Listen carefully. You can always take a few moments before responding. Be Inquisitive A good argument includes not only statements, but also questions. Think about how a trial lawyer questions witnesses in the courtroom to elicit desired information. Use well-timed and well-phrased questions to break down your opponents argument. Ask if the person has any facts to back up his or her claims. Ask hypothetical questions to illustrate a poor idea. You can also question your opponents motivation by saying things such as, Why are you so rigid about this issue? Be Reasonable If your opponent should happen to point out a flaw in your own argument, concede gracefully. Defending a glaring error will not help you win the overall argument. Rather, use the opportunity to make an Okay, but†¦ type of response. The balls in your court, so distract the opponent (and any audience) from the mistake and get things back on track. Be Focused Choose your battles. Focus on your stronger evidence, and eliminate the weaker. Its better to make fewer valid points than to make many dubious ones. If skilled, your opponent will quickly swoop down on your less effective statements and break down your argument. One or two solid points are difficult to pick apart. Be Provocative By that, we dont mean stripping down to your underwear during a debate- although that would certainly serve as a temporary distraction! Instead, you can find subtle ways to anger your opponent. Once that person loses his or her temper, he or she may lose their grip on their solid argument. As soon as they falter, you can take advantage of their weakness. Or your opponent may become so angry that he or she withdraws from the argument, which makes you appear to have won. Finally, try to stay calm yourself. Once you blow your top, your debating skills will become impaired, and your whole case may be derailed. Theres no reason to lose your temper, even if you outright lose an argument. Examine what went wrong so you can do your best to change the outcome next time around.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Should juvenile offenders be tried and punished as adults Annotated Bibliography

Should juvenile offenders be tried and punished as adults - Annotated Bibliography Example The practice of trying and punishing juvenile offenders as adults is not consistent throughout all criminal justice systems as some systems still believe that juveniles should be tried in the juvenile courts no matter how grievous the crime might be. The perception in some justice systems is that trying children in adult courts would have an adverse effect on the children as they could likely have some sort of psychological problems. This paper would try to establish whether or not juvenile offenders should be tried and punished as adults. People that would likely benefit from this paper are lawyers, prospective lawyers (law students) and the public at large. It should also be pertinent to note that people that are interested in the case of juvenile delinquency would also gain a lot from the details of this paper and the research work. This study would try to accomplish the fact that a child is considered an adult for the purposes of administering justice when the crime committed is not a case of juvenile delinquency, but a very serious criminal act and this underlines the importance of the study as it would be helpful for cases of juvenile delinquencies. Books, internet sources and other relevant sources would be used for this work. Some of the questions that would form the basis of this paper are: Why are some children considered adults for the purpose of administering justice and are transferred to adult courts? What kind of crime would a child commit for the offence to be qualified as an adult crime?